Food and Health & Safety Service Plan 2024-25 - Flipbook - Page 29
3.5 Advice
Advice is provided primarily via the council9s websites.
East Sufolk Council -
East Sufolk Means Business -
Sufolk Coastal Port Health Authority -
Our websites provide direct advice, information and online services 24 hours a day, 7 days a
week. This information is available for businesses, employees and visitors along with a contact
form which allows people to request advice without having to be redirected from the Customer
Services Centre.
Food and Health & Safety
Our food businesses and our other customers regularly seek advice and assistance from
us about food safety and health and safety matters. Enquiries that cannot be answered
via signposting to our website and other relevant information sources are generally
dealt with by email. Appendix 15 shows that in 2023/24 the Food and Safety Team
answered approximately 388 requests for food safety and health and safety advice.
Our team ofers a free, informal 30-minute telephone or online chat to assist businesses
in complying with food and safety regulations. The team is notioed of events via event
licence applications, Temporary Event Notices, East Sufolk Safety Advisory Group (SAG),
applications to use Council land and by other agencies. We use this information to help
us target the provision of valuable information about food safety and health and safety.
210 events were notioed to the East Sufolk SAG and 55 events were reviewed at SAG
meetings attended by the event organisers.
Further information about the role of the SAG and further guidance on running events
safely is available on the Sufolk Resilience website.