Food and Health & Safety Service Plan 2024-25 - Flipbook - Page 16
Corporate Health and Safety
The Corporate Health and Safety Team:
Champions and promotes generally, Health and Safety throughout Council by
highlighting areas of good practice to ensure a safe working environment exists for
staf and visitors.
Develops and reviews health and safety policies, safe systems of work, procedures
and guidance to assist the Council in complying with its duties under health and
safety legislation.
Undertakes inspections and audits of premises, plant, equipment, working
arrangements and relevant databases to ascertain the efectiveness of the
Council9s health and safety policies and to encourage a positive approach to health,
safety and welfare matters.
Monitors and reports on health and safety performance to the Health and Safety
Group and Corporate Management Team.
Attends regular meetings with operational staf and their managers, ensuring all
health and safety matters are given adequate consideration.
Provides advice and guidance on all aspects of health, safety and welfare to
assist management, employees and their representatives to meet their duties
under health and safety legislation. Considers the suitable provision of tools and
equipment to, and by, employees to ensure safe working methods are adopted
wherever practicable.
Is responsible for reporting on policy changes, new legal requirements or guidance
for duty holders and on health and safety performance.
Monitors reported incidents, accidents and dangerous occurrences and diseases
and supports managers to investigate the causes and prevent recurrence.
Investigates employee complaints about health and safety standards.
Liaises with the Health and Safety Executive during interventions and
Assesses and delivers any corporate health and safety training needs. Is
responsible for delivery of formal training and brieongs on relevant health and
safety issues and for supporting Health and Safety Champions within service areas.
Is responsible for maintaining and analysing appropriate incident statistics with
the intention of identifying any adverse trends and producing regular statistical
East Suffolk Food and Health & Safety Service Plan 2023/24