East Suffolk Well Minds - Flipbook - Page 6
Section 1: Five ways to Wellbeing
Feeling like you are learning and developing can improve your selfesteem. Learning new things will make you more con昀椀dent, as well as
being fun. Se琀�ng yourself goals can help you to feel more in control of
your life and se琀�ng smaller targets to reach your goals can help you to
meet your need for achievement. It can be hard taking the 昀椀rst steps
but there are many groups and safe spaces that would welcome you.
Ideas about how to learn new things include:
Sign up for a course/class - it’s ok to ask for help to get started
Read a book, learn a new word, do a puzzle, or visit a museum
Learn to play an instrument, cook a new recipe or how to
knit or crochet
Giving is about looking outwards as well as inwards – for example
doing something nice for a friend or a stranger. Seeing yourself/your
happiness as part of your wider community can be rewarding and lead
to new friendships and interests. Ideas about how to give to others
Volunteer your 琀椀me or join a local community group
Make a cup of tea for someone – maybe a neighbour that
lives on their own
Thank someone and smile! This can help make
someone feel valued