East Suffolk Well Minds - Flipbook - Page 4
Section 1: Five ways to Wellbeing
Section 1: Five ways to wellbeing
The New Economics Founda琀椀on has iden琀椀昀椀ed that building the
following 昀椀ve ac琀椀ons into our day to day lives is important for
our wellbeing.
For more informa琀椀on, visit
Connec琀椀ng with others can help us to feel valued, closer to those
around us and reduce loneliness. You could connect with family,
friends, colleagues and/or neighbours, at home, work, school or in your
community. Ideas about how you could make a connec琀椀on include:
Ask how someone’s weekend was, really listen when they answer
and re昀氀ect back a bit of what they say e.g. “it sounds like you had a
lovely 琀椀me at the park”
Put 昀椀ve minutes aside to 昀椀nd out how a friend or colleague is doing
Speak to your GP/social prescriber for support to connect or 昀椀nd a
group at infolink.su昀昀olk.gov.uk