East Suffolk Well Minds - Flipbook - Page 19
Section 6: Tailored Mental Health Support
People with mental health problems are three and a half 琀椀mes
as likely to be in problem debt. Money and Mental Health is an
independent charity, commi琀琀ed to breaking the link between
昀椀nancial di昀케culty and mental health problems.
You can download Mar琀椀n Lewis’s free guide for everyone
struggling with their 昀椀nances and a mental health problem. It
provides useful resources whether you’re looking for advice for
yourself or for someone you care about.
Mental Health UK run the Mental Health and Money Advice
Service to help people to understand, manage and improve
their mental health and money issues
Ci琀椀zens Advice East Su昀昀olk can help with a range of issues
– including bene昀椀ts, employment and debt, and help people
access funds or vouchers for food or fuel or household items.
They can also help challenge or query a bill from an energy
supplier. Their website www.caes.org.uk has answers to key
ques琀椀ons, lists their outreaches and o昀케ces and includes links to
their video link advice service and email form.
Email advice@caes.org.uk or free phone on 0808 2787866,
lines are open 5 days a week between 10am-2pm.