East Suffolk Well Minds - Flipbook - Page 16
Section 4: If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health
Contact Norfolk and Waveney Mind on 0300 3305488 or visit
www.norfolkandwaveneymind.org.uk. Their services include the
Young People in Mind Service for age 14-25 year olds.
The Su昀昀olk Libraries New Chapters: mental health and wellbeing
informa琀椀on service includes a blog, links to useful websites and an
events list - www.su昀昀olklibraries.co.uk
Su昀昀olk User Forum is a user-led mental health charity which supports
people with mental health problems. The Forum in昀氀uences how services
are provided and shares new developments in mental health care.
In the UK over 8 million people experience anxiety
every day. There are lots of things happening locally
and globally that could impact on your mental
wellbeing, including wars, economic challenges, and
worries about the environment.
It’s OK not to be OK and to seek support and advice.