East Suffolk Well Minds - Flipbook - Page 14
Section 4: If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health
Be琀琀er Health, Every Mind Ma琀琀ers is an NHS
website that focuses on ‘昀椀nding your li琀琀le
big thing for your mental health’
Rethink Mental Health
Advice & Informa琀椀on
Service provides factsheets
and advice on issues such
as treatment, medica琀椀on,
therapy, debt, and money
www.rethink.org or
0808 801 0525
If you’re experiencing a mental
health problem or suppor琀椀ng
someone else who is, you can
call SANEline an out of hours
helpline on 0300 304 7000
(4.30pm–10.30pm every day).
Quell provides free,
digital mental health
support, including peer
to peer networks and
personal development
tools at www.qwell.io