East Suffolk Council Climate Action Framework - Paper - Page 7
3. What is East Suffolk Council doing to respond to the climate emergency?
Our commitments
In 2019, East Suffolk Council declared a climate emergency, reinforcing its existing
commitment to addressing climate change and restoring nature. It also set a commitment to
be net zero organisation by 2030. This means addressing the emissions that are produced by
our assets and operations and when we deliver services for our communities.
The East Suffolk Council Strategic Plan was approved in 2020 and committed to 'put the
environment at the heart of everything we do'. An ambitious programme of over 110 projects
related to climate change and the environment was agreed, overseen by group of officers and
monitored by a cross-party Task Group of elected Members.
Since then, East Suffolk Council has been working hard to deliver this programme, such as by
decarbonising our HGV fleet. We have also updated our policies and procedures (such as new
Planning documents and procurement strategy) to match our commitment.
We incorporate the latest national guidance on responding to climate change, such as our
District's Local Plans which contain policies relating to sustainable construction and
sustainable transport. This work is embedded across our Service Plans and the environment
is always formally considered as part of and Cabinet and Full Council decisions.
Evolving our approach
This Climate Action Framework summaries our approach to tackling this challenge and how we are prioritising our
current workstreams. As a working document, it also highlights plans that are being drafted and activities planned
for the future.
This framework will continue to evolve as new information emerges, such as technical developments (e.g. green
hydrogen), new policies (e.g. devolution, national planning policy and guidance) and the latest climate science.