East Suffolk Council Climate Action Framework - Paper - Page 26
Enabling wider action:
In addition to the Suffolk Climate Emergency Plan, we are also guided by Central Government's definition of the 'territorial CO2e
emissions estimates within the scope of influence of Local Authorities'.
These are the wider CO2e emissions produced within our district where we may be able to have a positive influence. In 2020 this was
estimated to be 1.01 million tCO2e of Suffolk's 4.2 million tCO2e - significantly greater than our own footprint. We use this to help us
prioritise the actions where we have the greatest ability to make the most most positive difference.
This data is produced by the Suffolk Observatory and is also used to measure the Suffolk Climate Emergency Plan's progress. The share
of these emissions viewed to be within our influence are below, with East Suffolk Council's total emissions included for comparison: