East Suffolk Council Climate Action Framework - Paper - Page 12
7. Guiding Principles: Linking resource use, biodiversity loss & climate change
There is a large body of evidence that shows how local authorities can play a key role in responding to the climate emergency.
Beyond decarbonising our energy production and transport, studies also show how reducing our use of resources and restoring
our natural systems play a key role addressing climate change.
There are many key national Government strategies that make this link between nature recovery, use of natural resources and
responding to climate change. Our ongoing work is informed by these national strategies and studies and we will continue to seek
to incorporate their recommendations in our programme of action.
Our collaboration with other local authorities on larger challenges (such as decarbonising the energy grid) also makes this link
between restoring nature and climate change. We have chosen to take a pragmatic, systems-led approach that does not separate
climate and nature, and embeds the environment across the delivery of our services and how we manage our assets.
The UK Government 25 Year Environment Plan (2021) and
Net Zero strategy have a direct impact on the delivery of our
services and tracks the progress of our national response.
The UN Sustainable Development Goals provide an overview of
how local action contributes to international efforts to address
issues impacting our society and natural systems, while
addressing issues such as poverty and equality.