2022-23 Tales from an East Anglian Riverbank - Portfolio - Page 3
This review highlights the key achievements from our 2022/23
East Anglia Area Environment Programme and shows how our
projects 昀椀t with our Local Priori}es. The successful delivery of
the Environment Programme owes a great deal to our many
Partners, including the CaBA partnerships, Rivers Trusts, Wildlife
Trusts, community groups and other third sector organisa}ons,
Natural England, Broads Authority, local authori}es and water
We are also indebted to colleagues within the Environment
Agency without whom none of this would be possible. These
include; Flood & Coastal Risk Management; Partnerships &
Strategic Overview; and Legal and Procurement teams, and in
par}cular Fisheries, Biodiversity and Geomorphology who o昀昀er
direct support to partners and their projects and deliver WEIF
and FIP projects too.
The Catchment Based Approach [CaBA] is at the heart of the Environment
Programme. Our Catchment Delivery teams facilitate collabora}ve working
with CaBA Catchment Partnerships, developing opportuni}es to create our
programme of projects to the point of delivery, ge琀�ng the best outcomes
for the environment. They connect people internally and externally to
ensure this collabora}on is sustained and strengthened. Integral to this is
the delivery of the Water Environment Improvement Fund programme
which maximises the environmental outcomes we deliver through
partnership and innova}ve ways of working.
North West Norfolk
North Norfolk
OBML Water Care
Upper & Bedford Ouse
WEIF - Water Environment
Improvement Fund
FIP - Fisheries Improvement Fund
WLB - Water Land and
WR - Water Resources
WQ - Water Quality
East Su昀昀olk
Essex Rivers Hub
South Essex