2022-23 Tales from an East Anglian Riverbank - Portfolio - Page 19
Working with:
Essex Wildlife Trust
EA Lead:
Nicola Shearer
The marshes are part of the Vange and Fobbing
Marshes SSSI, currently assessed as
8unfavourable recovering9 and are a key 8weak
link9 in a chain of grazing marshes. The site is
wholly designated as Priority Habitat – Coastal
and Floodplain Grazing Marsh. Fobbing Marsh
s}ll retains areas that are unploughed and
display the original saltmarsh surface features
following the enwalling of the site. The primary
objec}ve was to renovate this grazing marsh into
a dynamic wetland, complete the connec}vity of
the landscape and build resilience to the e昀昀ects
of climate change.
Aerial view of Fobbing Marsh - Credit: Essex Wildlife Trust & Jim Pullen
Crea}on of op}mum habitat condi}ons
across 61 ha of coastal grazing marsh
Installa}on of a }l}ng weir with ditch and
low point blocking at fourteen points on site
Total Project Value
EA Funding
Partnership Funding
Increased resilience to the e昀昀ects of climate
Increase in biodiversity, including waders,
water voles, invertebrates and plant
Aerial view of Fobbing Marsh - Credit: Essex Wildlife Trust & Jim Pullen
Preven}on of further saltwater incursion
Increased func}onal connec}vity between
exis}ng grazing marsh sites covering circa
2000 ha.
Water control sluice - Credit: EWT
Blocking of ditches - Credit: EWT
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