2022-23 Tales from an East Anglian Riverbank - Portfolio - Page 14
Working with:
Norfolk Rivers Trust
EA Lead:
Amy Prendergast
This two-year project will intercept a
propor}on of poor quality stream water
before it enters the River Glaven, a chalk
stream which nows through north Norfolk into
the North Sea.
The stream9s water has high nutrient levels
due to the discharge from Holt Water
Recycling Centre and run o昀昀 from arable 昀椀elds.
Fi昀琀y percent of the stream water has been put
through restored channel and a wetland
mosaic which will act as a natural 昀椀lter,
reducing nutrient loading into the River
Sec}on of repro昀椀led bank along River Glaven
Total Project Value
3ha of improved noodplain habitats, including:
4 wetland scrapes
500 m of restored stream
60 m of repro昀椀led main river bank
Restored/new channel created where there was a ditch
EA Funding
Partnership Funding
Dynamic, noris}cally rich wetland habitats
Reduced nutrient loading on chalk stream
priority habitat and County Wildlife Site
Improved water quality will help all aqua}c
species including Brown Trout
Addi}onal habitat for European Eel
Partnership working
Newly created wetland scrape
Algae growing on sediment
in River Glaven
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