Laramie Project Playbill 24 - Flipbook - Page 10
Kevin Keith Allen (Cast) Kevin has performed in over 100
theatre produc}ons at the community, college, university,
regional, and professional levels. He earned a Master’s
degree in Theatre Arts from Villanova University. His professional career began at age 6 1/2 as Kurt in Sound of
Music. Other representa}ve roles include Oliver (Oliver),
Wizard (Wizard of Oz), Pap Finn (Big River), Smee (Peter
Pan), Bert Healy (Annie!), Big Harp (Robber Bridegroom),
Puck (Midsummer Night’s Dream), General Waverley
(White Christmas) and Rogers (And Then There Were
Madison Buckley (Cast) Maddie is a recent graduate of
Bucknell University where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in
Theatre with a minor in Educa}on. She is very excited to
昀椀nally be performing in The Laramie Project aver learning
about the play a few years ago. Maddie has been performing since she was 3 years old. This will be her third show
with DreamWrights and she is excited to show how much
she has grown through this process. Some of her favorite
roles to date are Finch in Newsies (DreamWrights), Old
Shady in Men on Boats (Bucknell University), Anna
in Spring Awakening (DreamWrights), and Nibs in Lost
Girl (Bucknell University). She’d like to thank the cast and
crew for all of their hard work to make this show possible.
Chris}ne Ca琀琀erall (Cast) Chris}ne is a recent graduate
from Susquehanna University with a BA in Crea}ve
Wri}ng and Publishing & Edi}ng. She lives in York, PA, and
has recently been hired as a Content Writer/Editor at York
College of Pennsylvania. Her hobbies include reading,
wri}ng, and playing with her two energe}c Labradoodles.
Gregory DeCandia (Ligh}ng Designer) is a mul}media
ar}st, director, educator, and DW Ar}s}c Director. His DW
direc}ng includes: A Christmas Carol, Seussical the Musical
KIDS!, Peter and the Star Catcher, Finding Nemo Jr., The
Complete History of America, Abridged, Avenue Carlisle and
Lost Boys: A Mini-Musical in Verse, and Newsies. Gregory’s
DW designs include Shrek, S琀椀nky Cheese Man and Sweat
(set), Spring Awakening, In The Heights, If You Knew York
and American Idiot (lights). He also collaborates with local
ar}sts to curate gallery exhibits for DW shows and facilitated six murals on our building including the one he created
himself en}tled: