CFF position 061424 - Flipbook - Page 5
CPS is 昀椀nalizing their
new 5-year strategic
plan, positioning CFF
to continue to leverage
philanthropy to seed and
help scale interventions
and policies that respond
to the needs of students,
staff and families.
Leadership: Provide inspirational and in昀氀uential leadership and direction. Serve as a coach
and mentor to CFF sta昀昀 including supporting professional development opportunities.
Management: With a demonstrated understanding of the organizational structure of
a nonpro昀椀t, cultivate a strong and transparent, and working relationship with the Board
of Directors. Promote and support Board engagement in strategic planning, resource
development, and recruitment of new Board members emphasizing diversity. Review
and improve, where needed, protocols for transparent and regular reporting on grant
expenditures, keeping funders engaged and CPS grantees accountable to execution 昀椀delity
through the development of spending dashboards for CPS leadership and the CFF Board of
Directors. Conduct annual review and revisions to internal controls and operational protocols
per improvements to foundation infrastructure and changes in revenue. 4