CFF position 061424 - Flipbook - Page 2
With impressive
strides in reading,
CPS ranked 昀椀rst in
post-pandemic reading
gains and in the top
third in math gains.
Established in July of 1996 as the independent 501(c)(3) foundation for CPS, CFF identi昀椀es
and communicates CPS’ most urgent needs to partners. There are two main paths CFF
supports CPS: direct to school, student and family support — which sends resources
directly to school communities and is responsive to the community’s most pressing and
evolving needs. Secondarily, CFF provides support to advance district-wide strategic
priorities — addressing ongoing, keystone initiatives that are integral to the District’s vision
and advancing equity.
Elevating the needs of the CPS’ children, schools, educators, and families;
Being a trusted, independent arm to ensure 昀椀delity of investments and implementation;
● Publicly celebrating partners impact on CPS’s children, schools, educators, and families;
● Identifying and communicating CPS’s most urgent needs to partners; and
● Finding and creating new ways to strike meaningful, mutually bene昀椀cial partnerships.
CFF is governed by a 7-person Board of Directors comprised of passionate ambassadors
who are business leaders with a deep commitment to public education and it is driven by a
12-person sta昀昀.
As one of the largest school districts in the nation, a groundbreaking study from Harvard
and Stanford Universities revealed that CPS is at the forefront of academic recovery from
the COVID-19 pandemic nationwide. With impressive strides in reading, CPS ranked 昀椀rst
in post-pandemic reading gains and in the top third in math gains. These achievements
underscore the success of various strategies and investments launched over the last 昀椀ve
years and demonstrates to funders that their support is driving transformative change.
Sharing opportunities for philanthropic support that inspire major commitments from
partners and donors is the primary work for CFF. Looking ahead, CPS is 昀椀nalizing their new
5-year strategic plan, positioning CFF to continue to leverage philanthropy to seed and help
scale interventions and policies that respond to the needs of students, sta昀昀 and families. 1