SOLUTIONS FOR INDUSTRIAL ECOSYSTEMSNew Products | New Products 23 | New Products 23|01 Engineering ComponentsROLLER FOR SHAFTS Ø 14MODEL Steel / stainless steelDESCRIPTION To guide moving parts on a sanded shaft Ø 14With ball bearingTo build individual bearing unitsMATERIAL Steel / stainless steelSURFACE SandedPACK QUANTITY 1 pieceØ39.92024Ø12Ø14VersionMaterialWeight [g]Part #Cover Disks SteelSteel132.0340ME566Sealing Washers RubberSteel132.0340ME567Cover Disks Stainless SteelStainless steel132.0340ME571100©2024 |
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