EXAMPLE PAGE - SCHOOL BROCHURE - Vienna International School - Flipbook - Seite 16
The School year consists of 177 days of teaching and 8 additional days of
teaching- related activities. The usual core day for teachers begins at 8:30 and
ends at 15:15. The School publishes a calendar each year indicating the dates
of school holidays, including Austrian public holidays. Teachers taking up their
post for the first time will be expected to arrive in Vienna by 08 August, in order
to settle in and complete registration procedures.
A teacher’s duties may be varied as the interests of the School may require.
In addition to teaching duties and in service days, the teacher is required to
attend relevant parent information evenings, camps, and parent conferences.
All staff are expected to show loyalty to the School, adaptability, flexibility, and
a willingness to carry out various supervisory duties.
Teachers are encouraged to contribute to the School’s programme of extracurricular activities. All staff are expected to demonstrate sensitivity to and
appreciation of the national and cultural diversity of the School community and
the host country culture.