Number of postdocs
Publication count
Positive progress
Between 2009 and 2014,
the number of postdoctoral
research fellows (PDRFs)
registering at UCT increased
from 197 to 338 – a 71.5%
increase. The number of
PDRFs who were internally
funded in 2009 was 184,
compared to 279 in 2014 – a
51.6% increase. The value of
the fellowships increased by
R16 060 650 million (85.9%)
from R18 693 783 in 2009
to R34 754 433 in 2014.
University-wide initiatives
implemented in this period
included surveys of the
postdoc experience, academic
and professional development
initiatives, publication of an
A–Z guide, and a study aimed
at evaluating the return on
investment into postdoctoral
Positive progress
UCT was awarded 1 624
research output units for
2014 research publications,
an increase of 537.41 from
the number of units awarded
in 2008. Journal articles
accounted for 1 372 units
or 84.6% of the total. This
overall total represents an
average annual increase
of 8% from the 1 086 units
awarded in 2008. Universitywide initiatives implemented
in the period included
extensive bibliometric
analyses to inform
planning, the establishment
of university research
committee teams focusing
on internationalisation
of research and
transdisciplinarity and
interdisciplinarity, writing
retreats, strengthened
research management
systems, and the appointment
of senior scholars.