EXAMPLE PAGE - SCHOOL BROCHURE - International School of Hamburg - Flipbook - Seite 23
always been shared values of the IB community. Students take
action when they apply what they are learning in the classroom
and beyond. IB learners strive to be caring members of the
community who demonstrate a commitment to servicemaking a positive difference to the lives of others and to the
environment. Service as action is an integral part of the
programme, especially in the MYP community project.
At ISH ‘Service as action’ is highlighted through our successful
Sri Lanka and Ghana projects where students have been
fundraising and volunteering to help rebuild communities.
At ISH Service as action is highlighted through our successful
Sri Lanka and Ghana projects where students have been
fundraising and volunteering to help rebuild communities.
Language and identity – MYP students are required to
learn at least two languages
MYP students are required to learn at least two languages.
Learning to communicate in a variety of ways is fundamental to
their development of intercultural understanding and crucial
to their identity affirmation. At ISH we do this through offering
classes in German and English as well as supporting students
mother tongue.
Service at ISH
Service is a significant component in our Middle Years Programme, providing our learners the opportunity to engage in
our local and global community and act to make a positive
difference to the lives of others and to the environment.
Service activities at ISH evolve beyond doing for others to
engaging with others in a shared commitment towards the
common good. Service activities at ISH are interesting,
challenging and fun for our learners. Learners are able to
engage in experiences that meet the requirements of the
Service Programme. Our Service Programme is an avenue to
fulfil ISH’s mission statement and work with learners to pursue
service activities that they are passionate about.
ISH has a variety of service activities operating including many
student-led activities. Our service activities are showcased
twice a year in our Service Expo, held in conjunction with the
Diploma Programme. Students are able to join new activities
and to see the progress and success of our service projects.