EXAMPLE PAGE - SCHOOL BROCHURE - Libra tutors Cambridge - Flipbook - Seite 9
Presentation Prizes
Each student will develop and deliver a
presentation to an audience of their peers
and Professors on a topic from their chosen
subject. Students are supported at every
stage of their project from identifying reading
material and developing a methodology to
the planning and delivery of their work.
The chance to develop an independent
project with some guidance prepares
students for the high calibre of work required
at U n i v e r s i t y. Th e d e m o n s t rat i o n o f
independent thought and academic pursuit
are key indicators to admission officers that a
student has the passion to succeed.
Why does is matter?
The articulation of ideas is crucial in British
e d u c a t i o n . T h e fi n e s t s c h o o l s a n d
Universities place a high importance on the
spoken word. Our students are shown how
to communicate effectively in an engaging
manner. This is a crucial skill not only in
education but also in the world of business
and beyond.
With expert support and guidance from
tutors, students formulate their presentation
throughout the course and deliver the
presentation on the penultimate day of
Summer School. Participating in and, for
some, winning this presentation is a great
accomplishment to include in any University