EXAMPLE PAGE - SCHOOL BROCHURE - Libra tutors Cambridge - Flipbook - Seite 3
Course Outcomes
Oxbridge Tutors
Oxbridge Tutorials
Our Oxbridge Tutors are subject
Much of the success that Cambridge
specialists with the knowledge to push
University achieves worldwide is down
students to expand their minds. They are
to the unique tutorials that take place on
experienced educators who
a daily basis. Using this approach, the
understand how to get the best out of
students have their education and
their students using their passion and
essays closely assessed by our tutors
purposeful approach.
who support them to
justify their thoughts
We make every moment
and ideas. Students
count. This is your
will love the flexibility
Fitzwilliam College
opportunity to learn
they have when taking
from current Oxbridge
on new challenges.
Certificate of Attendance
teachers and graduates.
This is to certify that
has completed the
Cambridge Engineering Programme
Fitzwilliam College
in the University of Cambridge
Students Leave Us
Experience of life
as a Cambridge
University Student;
6 Week Follow On
In 2 weeks we will instil
motivation, knowledge
and a new approach to
learning. We offer a 6
week follow on course
to embed this new
knowledge. These lessons help to
consolidate the learnings that students
have made. It allows students to speak
with their tutors to understand how to
implement the skills that they have
............ ....................... ....... .. ..... .. ....... ....... .
Signed on behalf of Fitzwilliam College in e ni e i o
presentation skills;
Superior debating skills;
Stronger critical thinking; and
Vastly improved subject knowledge.
ini e ed by Wailian
o eEducation