Indkøbskatalog DK DentalDepot Online - Flipbook - Side 4
Kurser 4
4 | Kurser
Rejsekursus i Bremen
22.-24. September (incl rejsedage)
Printkursus i Bremen Kurset foregår på engelsk!!
Pris incl. forplejning og hotel (excl. transport)
6.900,- kr. incl. moms.
Transport koordineres når deltagerantal kendes.
Bindende tilmelding senest 30/8-24
Der er plads til 10 deltagere på kurset.
BEGO Training session 1,5 day in Bremen
Day 1 - BEGO Varseo 3D resins - Permanent Material TriniQ:
The aim of the course is to demonstrate the uniqueness of the
respective printer in interaction with our qualified BEGO material for
3D printing, which is optimally coordinated.
• Introduction to the world of BEGO Varseo 3D resins and in particular
the new VarseoSmile TriniQ ”One for all” material
• Profitability calculation
• Design of an object with Dentaldesigner as required (3Shape)
• Presentation of CAMbridge
• Nesting of created objects
• Presentation of available 3D printers
• Live 3D printing (the participants bring their own constructions)
• Post treatment of the 3D printed objects with new cleaning method
and check of the fit
• The customization with Optiglace GC/VitaLC flow
• Open questions and unclarities
2nd day (half-time) Wironium RP Framework (Partial Dentures):
The goal is to demonstrate the new process with our products, from
the printed SLM object to the finished work.
• WIRONIUM RP Presentation
• Demonstration of 3Shape design Framework
• Special BEGO Parameter during designing
Company tour and a leisure program during these 1,5 days.