158185 RZA Hovedkatalog 2021 Modern WEB Spread - Flipbook - Side 31
Only the best quality wool makes it into a Rezas rug. From
the high elasticity in the wool keeps the rug looking fresh and
the rough, robust wools used in the nomadic rugs to the
new, never worn or trodden.
smooth, silky wools used in our high-end design rugs; each
Traditional colouring techniques allow the colours to pene-
wool is carefully selected so it perfectly matches the collection
trate deep into the wool, keeping the rugs looking bright and
that it will become a part of.
vibrant – even after many years of use. Rezas rugs can be
Wool rugs have amazing properties. Lanolin, a deeply
found in 100 % wool, wool & viscose and wool & silk blends.
moisturising oil naturally occurring in sheep’s wool creates a
Each of the blends has its own unique expression and provides
protective coating that shields against liquids and dirt. And
something that can match any home.