MP csr report 2022 A4 UK k2 low - Magasin - Side 8
For Marius Pedersen A/S consideration of the
– Continually assess the environmental
environment is a fundamental and integral part
impacts of the company’s operations and,
of our business and is incorporated in every
based on this, select and set relevant
aspect of our operations. Thus management has
environmental targets. We use our
prepared this environmental policy.
environmental management system to
register and document the meeting of targets
and annually evaluate the achievement
Marius Pedersen A/S commits to:
– Work to protect the environment from
– Ongoing assessment of the company’s
adverse impacts of the company’s operations
activities for the purpose of reducing their
and provide the necessary set-up to prevent
environmental impact
unintended incidents
– Strengthen general environmental
– Comply with environmental legislation and
consciousness by training the employees and
applicable regulatory requirements and any
raising their awareness, so that employees of
other obligations in connection with our
Marius Pedersen A/S take responsibility for
the company’s environmental impact and the
prevention thereof in their daily work
– Conduct energy audits in accordance with
applicable regulatory requirements
– Encourage customers and business relations
to choose waste management systems that
ensure maximum recycling and save natural
communities regarding the company’s
resources. We create awareness of our
environmental issues and drawing public
customer’s waste production and support
attention to our environmental policy
optimal recycling in the services we provide
– Engage in open dialogue with our local