MP csr report 2022 A4 UK k2 low - Magasin - Side 26
An inclusive workplace
No reports were registered in 2022.
We have a constant focus on non-discrimination
when recruiting employees. We have an inclusive
Onboarding of new employees
workplace, and we therefore have employees
It is essential to us that all employees are familiar
in subsidised jobs and employees employed on
with the company’s corporate activities, values
so-called section 56 contract (long-term illness).
and goals. Therefore, new employees receive an
introduction, ensuring that they feel well-
In 2022, we had 30 employees employed under
informed about our company.
various flexible job schemes.
Research shows that visual presentations give a
Whistleblower reporting system
better understanding of safety procedure in your
In order to ensure that employees can respond
work. Therefore two of our work descriptions
anonymously if they suspect that an offence
were filmed in 2022.
has been committed by the company, or by
the company’s employees, we introduced a
whistleblower policy and a whistleblower digital
reporting system in 2021.
We will evaluate the effect in 2023.