MP csr report 2022 A4 UK k2 low - Magasin - Side 18
Collecting, transporting and sorting waste for
management facilities, other buildings/facilities
recycling requires energy, consequently en-
(scope 2) and purchase of containers and other
tailing a risk of CO2 emission. We therefore
equipment (scope 3).
make a continuous effort to minimise the CO2
emissions from our operations and processes.
In 2025, we have a target of 85% of our
electricity consumption being green – which
Trucks account for most of our CO2 emissions.
means being sourced from renewable energy –
Supported by efficient route planning and
and 100% in 2030.
optimised driving patterns, we are already
achieving CO2 reductions from our transport
In 2022, 72% of our electricity consumption was
activities. We will not achieve any major
green power, and we are considering establishing
reductions until we have replaced fossil fuels
solar cells on those of our buildings where
(diesel/petrol) with carbon neutral fuels such as
the location is suitable and we have a large
electricity, biogas, biodiesel and hydrogen. We
electricity consumption.
have therefore initiated an ongoing substitution
for carbon neutral vehicles, which will bring us
Price, quality, and CO2 footprint are all part of
closer to an overall CO2 reduction per kilometre
our procurement procedures. We have focus on
driven of 30% by 2030 (baseline: 2019).
the most CO2 emitting products, and this means
that we give priority to products with a lower
We have introduced electrically powered trucks
resource consumption and a lower CO2 footprint.
and are open to other technologies, such as
It is our hope that this approach will inspire our
hydrogen, as our vehicles perform a range of
suppliers to focus on sustainability too.
different tasks, with different requirements to
performance and range.
In addition, we plan to launch other sustainability initiatives, including measures to improve
Our goal is to achieve overall CO2 reductions
biodiversity in our green areas and measures to
of 30% by 2030 (scope 1). We are also looking
encourage our employees to present proposals
at other measures to achieve major carbon
for green initiatives, with the aim of reducing the
footprint improvements, including first and
total carbon footprint of Marius Pedersen A/S.
foremost the energy consumption at our waste