Annual Report 2023 (eng) - Flipbook - Side 89
Annex 1
The principal
adverse impacts are
the material adverse
impacts of
investment decisions
on sustainability
factors with regard
to environmental,
social and employee
issues, respect for
human rights, and
anti-corruption and
How did the sustainable investments made by the financial product not significantly harm any of the
environmental or social sustainable investment objectives?
Like the product's other investments, the sustainable investments had to live up to Industriens Pension's policy on
responsible investment and active ownership. The policy contains a number of principles for social responsibility and
sustainability to ensure that investments do not substantially harm any of the environmental and social sustainability
objectives. Both the due diligence process and ongoing monitoring of existing investments ensure that investments
live up to the policy.
How were indicators for adverse impacts on sustainability factors taken into account?
As far as possible, account is taken of indicators for adverse impacts on sustainability factors in all the
product's investments. See description under the question "How did this financial product account for the
principal adverse impacts on sustainability factors?"
Were the sustainable investments in accordance with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and
the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights?
All products must live up to Industriens Pension's policy on responsible investment and active ownership.
The policy builds on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct
and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
The EU classification system includes a principle of not causing significant harm, whereby
investments in accordance with the classification system must not significantly harm the
objectives of the EU classification system, and there are specific EU criteria.
The principle of not causing significant harm only applies to investments that form the basis
for the financial product, and which take the EU criteria for environmentally sustainable
economic activities into account. The investments that form the basis for the remaining
proportion of this financial product do not take the EU criteria for environmentally
sustainable economic activities into account.
Other sustainable investments must not significantly harm environmental or social
objectives either.