CSR 2024 UK v3 020524 web - Flipbook - Side 43
Good business
practices & ethics
human rights, which among other things means no
forced or child labour, no discrimination and the right
to join a trade union.
Furthermore, Frode Laursen cooperates closely
with the relevant trade unions in all the countries
where we are present. We will continue and strengthen
this collaboration in 2024.
In our Code of Conduct, we also make it clear that
we do not accept any kind of corruption or bribery.
We also strongly focus internally on our values to
reduce the risk of corruption. In addition, we have
established a customer contact model involving three
key persons, thereby minimising the risk of corruption.
Finally, we have a whistleblower scheme that
enables employees, customers, partners, suppliers
and other stakeholders to report any issues. There
were no reports in 2023 and according to our audit,
there have been no human rights violations in 2023.
Transparency and traceability
At Frode Laursen, we believe in transparency and
strong relations with our customers and employees.
In 2023, we further expanded our customer portal,
‘FL Analytics’, which gives our customers quick and
easy access to key figures and visualisations of their
data from the logistics centres and distribution activities. Almost 70% of our customers now have access
to our customer portal, and in 2023, it also became
possible for them to calculate the carbon footprint of
a specific transport task directly.
For Frode Laursen, this includes treating all employees and business partners with respect, paying taxes
in the countries where we conduct business, and
having a Code of Conduct which we require all employees and business partners to accept and follow.
While Frode Laursen is keen to support sound
business ethics and practices and respect human
rights, one of our main risks is that other companies
might not share this focus.
Therefore, all our suppliers are required to read
and accept our Code of Conduct before entering into
cooperation to ensure that everyone is familiar with
and complies with this code. In 2023, we ensured that
all new suppliers signed our code of conduct.
Our code of conduct emphasises compliance with
Decency is a key principle for Frode Laursen. As an international business with a
proud tradition of keeping our word and delivering on time, it is imperative that we
adhere to strong business ethics and that human rights are respected throughout
the value chain.