md-19005-en - Flipbook - Side 3
can be attached directly to the raw ceiling, can have
various suspension heights and depends in its design
on the shape, functional requirements and the weight
of the linear panel.
For the placing on the market of the product in the
EU/EFTA (with the exception of Switzerland),
Regulation (EU) No. /305/2011/ (CPR) applies. The
products require a declaration of performance taking
into consideration the harmonized /EN
13964/, Suspended ceilings - Requirements and test
methods and, the CE-marking.
For the use and application of the product, the
respective national provisions apply. Metal ceilings
according to the technical regulations of the TAIM e.V.
/THM/ are fastened by hangers directly to the loadbearing component substructure or to the ceiling trim
profile connected with a distance to the ceiling above.