md-19003-en - Flipbook - Side 8
6. LCA: Interpretation
The following figure shows the relative contributions of
different Life Cycle processes and the primary energy
demand in the form of a dominance analysis.
Indicators of the impact assessment
The contributions from module A1 (raw materials)
dominate in almost all environmental impact
categories, except Depletion potential of the
stratospheric ozone layer (ODP). Contributions from
transport throughout the life cycle are below 1% for all
environmental impact categories. The credits in
module D originate from the avoided environmental
effects in other product systems and arise almost
exclusively through the recycling of steel scrap.
Global warming potential (GWP)
The global warming potential is mainly determined by
the supply of raw materials, i.e. by the primary
products. Within these, the production of steel primary
products, including the upstream chains for steel
recovery, has the greatest influence on the GWP factor
of > 97%. However, at the end of life, the cost of
providing the steel precursors is offset by the
environmental benefits in the form of credits for the
recycling of steel products. Along the entire life cycle,
approximately 55 % of GWP emissions are credited by
steel recycling at the end of life.
Depletion potential of the stratospheric ozone layer
The Ozone depletion potential is dominated by steel
recycling at the end of life (about 66 %).
Acidification potential of land and water (AP)
The Acidification potential is triggered to 96 % in the
production stage by the raw material supply. The
remaining 4 % is caused by the production of the metal
ceiling systems itself. A credit of approximately 37 % of
the total AP emissions along the life cycle is credited
mainly by steel recycling.
Eutrophication potential (EP)
The greatest contribution to the EP arises from the
provision of raw materials with 91 %, in particular due
to the high energy demand in the form of natural gas
and electricity. A total of 8 % results from the
production of metal ceilings and 1 % from the transport
of primary products and auxiliary materials.
Potential of tropospheric ozone photochemical
oxidants (POCP)
About 97 % of the POCP value is generated in the
production stage by the provision of raw materials in
the form of steel sheets. Another 3 % arise from the
metal ceiling manufacturing process.
Abiotic depletion potential for non-fossil resources
The ADPE value is predominantly conditioned by the
production stage module A1. Here, mainly the
upstream chain of the steel sheet contributes almost
100 % to the overall ADPE.
Abiotic depletion potential for fossil resources (ADPF)
Within the production (A1-3), the ADPF value mainly
results from the upstream chains in module A1 (about
88 %). Almost 12 % is attributable to the production of
the metal ceiling systems. A credit of about 52 % is
obtained mainly through the recycling of the steel.
Within the production (A1-3), the total primary energy
demand is divided between approx. 84 % nonrenewable energy sources and approx. 16 %
renewable energies.
Total use of non-renewable primary energy
resources (PENRT)
The upstream chains associated with manufacturing of
the preliminary products (Module A1) contribute with
87 % to the production caused by the steel sheet. The
production of the metal ceiling systems contributes
about 13 % to non-renewable energy consumption. A
credit is issued at the end of life (48 %), which is
generated by the recycling of the preliminary products.
Total use of renewable primary energy resources
The PERT value along the entire life cycle results to
64 % from the upstream chains associated with the
preliminary products (A1), and the production of the
metal ceiling systems (A3) with 23 %. Another 15 % is
attributable to the credit (module D) from steel
Environmental Product Declaration TAIM e.V. - Verband Industrieller Metalldeckenhersteller – Metal ceiling systems
made of steel