ENG Code of Conduct - CollectiaGroup - Flipbook - Side 4
Investing in people
is the Collectia Way
At Collectia, we work based on
a set of rules that guides us in how
we run our business and helps our
employees maintain ethical
behaviour across all of昀椀ces. We
call this our Code of Conduct. In
short, it means that we keep to
what we promise and strive to be
fair and create value in everything
we do.
As an employee in Collectia, you are
responsible for following the internal
rules and processes as well as regulations of the market in which we
All employees and partners in
Collectia are obliged to familiarize themselves with and adhere
to the guidelines described in our
CCP and the values on which this
is based. We adhere to the wording and spirit of the CCP and
help others to do the same.
This is only possible by following our
CCP as well as providing excellent
support and guidance to people we
seek to help in dif昀椀cult situations.
The CCP applies to me, and all
the representatives of Collectia,
including board, management,
employees, and consultants of
the organization.
Our vision is to be known as the
leading digital, ef昀椀cient, and fair
partner in the European debt
collection industry.
Especially our empathetic approach
to how we work with debtors when
helping them deal with their debts is
key to our way of doing business.
Anders S. Rosenbeck