ENG Code of Conduct - CollectiaGroup - Flipbook - Side 23
or records for the purpose of
concealing, misleading or camou昀氀aging the true nature of a 昀椀nancial
or non-昀椀nancial transaction or result.
Employees involved in accounting
must always provide a complete,
fair, accurate and comprehensible
presentation on time in the form of
reports and documents that Collectia
submits or forwards to government
institutions, the tax authorities, and
other public bodies.
Reporting of a concern
We are all responsible for ensuring our company’s reputation for
good behaviour; therefore, we
should all be aware of our duty to
report matters of an ethical nature.
If you believe that Collectia’s Code of
Conduct has been violated, or that
it is likely to be, you should contact
your manager or People & Culture
immediately. You can do it anonymously if you like. If you want to
report your case in another way,
you can email pc@collectia.dk
with details regarding the violation.
Your report will be reviewed and
forwarded to the appropriate person
in the senior management, who
will proceed with the case.
We will assess your concern to
decide whether the case should be
forwarded in the system e.g., in
the form of a management level
investigation, internal audit, referral
to the police or other authorities,
an independent auditor or an
independent investigation. We do
not accept reprisals or threatening
behaviour towards an employee who
has made a report in good faith even if it turns out to be unfounded.
If you are considering reporting an
ethical issue, make sure it is sincere
and substantiated. An intentionally f
alse report with malicious allega
-tions will be considered a serious