ENG Code of Conduct - CollectiaGroup - Flipbook - Side 22
Our code of conduct
• Information on research and development projects
• Trade secrets and procedures,
technical methods, and applications
• Procedures and methods for managing telecommunications networks
• Not publicly available information
about products, service alliances
and customers
• Con昀椀dential and proprietary i
nformation of organizational and
business nature
• Information that can be received
from or about customers and
potential customers
As an employee in and representative
of Collectia, it is our responsibility
to protect con昀椀dential and proprietary information from theft,
disclosure, or inappropriate use.
Con昀椀dential and proprietary information must be kept in a safe place
and our security and data protection
carefully. In addition, the con昀椀dential and proprietary information of
our customers must also be carefully
If your employment with Collectia
terminates, you must return all
documents, records and other
information and everything that
belongs to the company. Even after
leaving Collectia, you still have a
continuing obligation to protect and
not to use or disclose our customers’
con昀椀dential and proprietary information.
Communication with the
government: accuracy and
reporting of 昀椀nancial information
We comply with the proper rules,
regulations, and procedures regarding 昀椀nancial reporting.
Collectia must comply with strict
accounting principles and standards
to be able to present a complete
and accurate 昀椀nancial statement
and to be able to check the internal
accounts and ensure that the 昀椀nancial reporting complies with the
law. As employees in and representatives of Collectia, we must
do everything we can to support
the company’s efforts in this area.
The integrity of Collectia’s 昀椀nancial
statements is crucial to the operation
of Collectia’s business, and it is
a key factor in maintaining the
con昀椀dentiality and trust of our
share-holders. We must ensure
that all transactions are recorded
correctly, classi昀椀ed, and summarized in accordance with Collectia’s
accounting policies. No employee
may add or remove information
in the Company’s accounting books