ENG Code of Conduct - CollectiaGroup - Flipbook - Side 21
other equipment, which enables us
to perform our duties on behalf of the
company. We know that it is part of
our job to take good care of things
and ensure that they are used and
stored ef昀椀ciently
and correctly.
We are also careful and cautious
when it comes to using the
company’s money, whether it is
purchasing goods or arranging
business trips, and we always make
sure to comply with the relevant
approval procedures before we make
purchases or reimburse employees’
Con昀氀icts of interest
We make our business decisions and
our choice of suppliers based on
value and pro昀椀t and not for personal
or family reasons.
We make our business decisions
with Collectia’s interests in mind, and
we will not allow personal, family or
business relationships to in昀氀uence or appear to in昀氀uence - the choices
we make on behalf of the company.
If we as employees believe that there
is a risk that a con昀氀ict of interest may
arise, we must actively and openly
consult with our immediate manager
or People & Culture about the concern
to ensure complete trans-parency.
Con昀椀dential information
We process con昀椀dential and name
protected / proprietary information about debtors, customers, and
employees carefully and securely.
As an outsourcing service provider
our core business is based on the
ef昀椀cient and careful processing
of information about customers,
others who may have an interest in or
relationship with our company.
We recognize the need to protect
personal privacy, and we are
committed to comply with data
protection legislation wherever we
conduct business.
When working for Collectia, we
may have access to con昀椀dential
information about individuals. This
information will be used only for
the purpose for which it has been
provided and never for any reason
be passed on to a third party
without legal basis or prior permission.
We may also have access to
con昀椀dential information that is
proprietary. Generally, con昀椀dential,
and proprietary information is
understood as non-publicly available
information. This information may
include the following (but is not
limited to):