Code of Conduct - CollectiaGroup - Flipbook - Side 20
Our code of conduct
Fraud and theft
Fraud, which in a profession like
ours, could mean forging accounts
or identities to steal money or
collect remuneration, and theft of
either company assets or personal
property in the workplace, is considered a serious crime, and will be
reported immediately and if there is
basis for this: reported to the police.
Bribery is when money or other
valuables are given away or
promised to be handed over to
in昀氀uence or corrupt another person’s
behaviour. No employee of Collectia
may offer, solicit, or accept a
questionable payment, gift, or
inappropriate entertainment in any
- even if our competitors use these
methods or even if the bribe were
to be considered of an acceptable
nature under the local norm. We will
also protect ourselves against the
use of an outside third party, such
as consultants or agents, with a
purpose in mind that could be
perceived as bribery. We will also not
make any payments to government
of昀椀cials to speed up or prefer
Collectia in any applications or
selection processes.
Gifts, free meals, and
As employees and representatives
of Collectia, we will not offer,
solicit, or accept gifts, extravagant or
inappropriate entertainment and
free meals in relation to any external
Exceptions to this principle must be
announced to and approved by a
relevant member of the management team.
If you have questions regarding how
to deal with gifts, entertainment, and
free meals, then you should contact
your manager or People & Culture,
who will be able to provide further
Political contributions
Collectia does not provide 昀椀nancial
political parties or to persons who
hold or seek to hold a political office.
Utilization of the company's assets
We utilize the company’s resources
and assets correctly and with care
and not for personal purposes. As
an employee in and representative
entrusted with a range of tools and
assets, which include computers,
telephones, Internet access, email,
voice mail, copiers, of昀椀ce supplies and