LOB Salary Guide RISK v5 SPREADS - Flipbook - Side 13
Indeed, our consultants are already experiencing a rise in the
number of candidates who are unhappy with their employer's
flexible working policies. Nearly one in five (19%) candidates
chose either remote working or a better work-life balance as
their primary motivator for seeking a new role.
On the whole, employers’ attitudes towards flexible working
are aligned with their staff. The vast majority (94%) offer hybrid
or remote working, with more than three-quarters allowing
employees to work from home either two or three days a week.
Less flexible organisations may wish to consider relaxing their
policies if they are struggling to source the right people at a
time when skilled candidates are in short supply.
Fortunately, it appears employers recognise that a lack of
flexible working is quickly becoming a deal-breaker for many
candidates, with 31% of firms telling us their current policies
are causing recruitment and retention problems.
Some firms have been quite rigid about bringing
people back to the office full-time. I've had candidates
willing to take a significant pay cut if it means
they can work from home two or three days a week.
— Antony Berou, UK Head of Risk Recruitment at Barclay Simpson