6171 The Book Pages v15.2 - Flipbook - Page 14
The underground Restaurant & Club at
B Up to 240 seated
100 Wardour St occupies the former
Up to 450 standing
site of the iconic Marquee Club,
renowned for acts such as David
D Up to 20 seated
Bowie and the Rolling Stones. With a
Up to 40 standing
calendar of DJs, dancers, musicians
and live bands, 100 Wardour St is an
E Up to 80
exciting destination for dining, drinks
and live music, right in the vibrant
H Mediterranean
heart of Soho. Also, don’t forget
to head next door to The Den, 100
For more information,
Wardour St’s very own cocktail piano
please call 020 7716 7887
bar for that members’ club feel. You
or email events@danddlondon.com
can even exclusively hire The Den for
your private party of up to 80 guests.
Piccadilly Circus
0.3 miles
Tottenham Court Road
0.4 miles
Theatre Land
0.1 miles
Oxford Circus
0.4 miles
Carnaby Street
0.3 miles
100 Wardour St., London W1F 0TN | 020 7314 4000 | 100wardourst.com
@100WardourSt | 100WardourSt | @100WardourSt
0.0 miles