Better Digital Parenting 2024 CyberSafeKids - Manual / Resource - Page 22
B e tte r D i g i t al Paren ting
C y b e r Sa fe K i d s
New Skills:
Should I worry about AI?
Advances in generative AI technology, such as ChatGPT and
other large language models, have great benefits but there are
some concerns too.
Misleading publications: knowing how
to critically evaluate online content is
more important than ever for young
people because generative AI makes it
easy for anyone to generate a false but
credible narrative.
Image-based abuse: A young person’s
image could be altered using AI technology
and misused, e.g. to harass someone or in
CSAM*, so don’t overshare images online
or misuse other people’s images.
Targeting: young people should limit
sharing with chatbots, which are constantly
learning and can personalise future
targeting and possibly share with others.
Remember chatbots are not your friends!
Limitations and inaccurate outputs: fact-check any
outputs (information) outside the model before using
because the quality of the content produced will be
based on the quality of the data used to train the model.
For example, the data set could contain biases or be
out of date. Some models have even been known to
“hallucinate”, generating a false but believable answer
when lacking sufficient data to generate an accurate
response so users should be aware!
*Child Sexual Abuse Material