REVEALED SUMMER 2023 - Flipbook - Page 33
it enables us to be quick on our feet,” she explains. Word-ofmouth and customer posts put the brand on a social media
pedestal. Aged 25-45, the Mimi customers want someone “who
looks just like them.”
Curve size is a core demographic for Mimi. “We love our
supportive girl gang customers. They give us feedback with
kindness and let us know when they love something.”
Meant to make women feel like goddesses and designed by
Nitsetska and her sister, Sacha, Empress Mimi is a play on
“impress me.” The title was also chosen
because “Princesses get married off
to powerful men. Empresses rule
without any constraints on their
The lingerie is forgiving in fit. It ’s
craf ted with but ter f lies, chains,
daisies , pearls , sea shells and
accouterments made as jewelry for
apparel. There are no uncomfortable
wires and it’s aimed at an array of
bodies, shapes and sizes. Monthly
subscriptions, the brand’s businessbuilding modus operandi, regularly
brings fantasy home for its customers.
Empress Mimi’s monthly curated
boxed sets include the “basic” House
power,” she says.
“Our vision puts the woman
on a pedestal of power.
It’s our job to create a product
that fits them. We will
continue to create product
that feels like art
worthy of a deity,”
Galyna Nitsetska,
founder/director of Empress Mimi
With the brand’s growth, the company
has expanded to include more
employees, a website and a wholesale
business catering to specialty stores.
While Nitsetska won’t reveal specific
numbers, wholesaling is now a
meaningful revenue stream, with
sales in about 20 retail boutiques
wor l d w ide, f rom Trous s eau to
OohLaLa, Cherry Blossom Intimates
and more.
of Frillies featuring briefs, thongs and
lacy panties. Bodysuits, negligées
Subscription boxes remain key,
and lingerie sets comprise The Queen
though. “It’s easy to collect feedback
Box. The premium Empress Box has
from customers who can say with
jewelry, kimonos, sleeping masks and maybe a naughty little
certainty which one fits best, which is most comfortable. Our
retail partners benefit from this continuous feedback, as we take
all comments on board and continually improve our designs,”
Instagram “was the simplest and cheapest to test,” says Galyna
she adds.
Nitsetska, Empress Mimi’s founder/director. “It aligned with our
target customer. They are comfortable with new technology,
“Our vision puts the woman on a pedestal of power. It’s our job
open to trying products from new companies and driven by
to create a product that fits them. We will continue to create
visuals and trends. The platform gave us a rapid feedback loop
product that feels like art worthy of a deity,” Nitsetska says.
of what people like and what they don’t.”
“I’m not interested in creating the cheapest black bra possible.
I want to hear a gasp and a wow whenever someone opens their
The figures don’t lie. “This data comes in within 24 hours so
box for the first time.”
LI N G E RI E, LO UN G EW EA R , L IF E ST Y L E | 3 3