Revealed Magazine Summer 2024 final - Flipbook - Page 3
Editor’s Letter
Welcome to the Experience issue of
Revealed, summer 2024.
There ’s a shif t afoot— consumers
are spending money on memorable
experiences over tangible goods. And
they 昀椀nd more happiness in doing things
than buying things. Perhaps it ’s an
aggressive consumer economy catching
up with us. Or a reaction to the reality
that tomorrow is not promised. As Hillel
the Elder said at the end
The magic you can create of the 昀椀rst century B.C., “If
with underpinnings like not now, when?”
corsets and shapewear,
brassieres and cinchers is This creates an interesting
an experience for those conundrum for retailers
wearing them and makers of consumer
produc t s. On the one
hand, people will always
need clothes, so there’s a built-in need.
On the other hand, how much do they
As we see it, lingerie and intimate
apparel is an experience—shopping for
it, buying it, wearing it and… Do we dare?
Yes, taking it o昀昀. Anyone can wear pants
and tops, but not everyone wants to. The
feeling of silk, satin and lace on your
skin is an experience many crave and a
luxury we deserve. The magic you can
create with underpinnings like corsets
and shapewear, brassieres and cinchers
is an experience for those wearing them
and those appreciating them.
Retailers give their customers
experiences in the store every day.
Through showmanship and service,
customers can experience luxur y
whenever they enter one of their shops.
In this issue, some of the great pieces
you’ll 昀椀nd include:
The Secrets to Stellar In-Store Events from the best entertainment companies
on the East and West Coast;
Hollywood Pushes Lingerie to New
Heights - an incredible trend piece from
Laurie Brookins;
Plus insights from some of the most
successful retailers nationwide and
With all of this, I suspect you’ll crave your
own experiences.
Lisa Marsh
& the Curve Team
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