Crockham Hill October 2024 Newsletter - Flipbook - Page 30
New year, New Residents Party
Sunday 19th January 2025 3-6pm
Last month, we told you that your editors were going to throw another
party for newcomers to the village. We hope they will meet other new
families as well as representatives from all the village9s brilliant
organisations. We are including an invitation to anyone in the village who
would like to join the village9s groups or organisations.
So, if you are one of our recent residents, or you would like to help expand
our wonderful community, or you are a representative of our village
organisations, do come on Sunday 19th January from 3.00 to 6.00pm.
It9s free and informal, and you can bring all your family. There is a special
area in the hall where children are entertained while their parents
socialise. Do email us with ideas of who and what might be included.
Hot Pot Supper
4 March 2025 7pm
A date for your diary. The Hot Pot Supper will take place in the Village Hall
on Shrove Tuesday, 4 March 2025. If you can offer to make a simple hotpot
(Lancashire/Beef stew or Veggie option) or a Pudding, please contact us.
We would be grateful if we could also have volunteers to help setup, layup and clear-up.
Volunteers with ideas for entertainment also much appreciated. For
instance, we are still wanting a few more ladies to perform a very silly skit.
It9ll be huge fun and importantly, no words need to be learnt. Intrigued?
Interested? Not Sure?
Please call Emma Jonas 864835 so that we can arrange a 8get together9 and
discover exactly what is involved. Further details will be in the February
Newsletter. or 07860 426937 or 07770 622350
Anagram Alert
Rearranging the letters: