Crockham Hill October 2024 Newsletter - Flipbook - Page 29
The draw will take place at the Royal Oak on Sunday 15th December 6pm
onwards 3 do come along. Crockham Hill9s Ukulele Band, with singer Jane,
will be entertaining us by playing all things Christmassy.
The Greenaways 3 authority to Fund-Raise No. 41159
Improvers Bridge
Part of Edenbridge u3a
New members welcome on Thursdays between 2.00 and 4.00pm in the
Village Hall (Harris Room)
Crockham Hill Drop-in Café
Wed 18 December 10.30am
Come and join us for a festive cuppa, cake and chat
from 10.30 on 18 December in the Harris Room!
A good opportunity to catch up with village news, local issues and to meet
and make friends. Everyone is welcome, so do bring along family, friends
and neighbours.
If you would like to join our friendly Café Team of helpers, please ring June
on 866350.
Future dates 2025: Wed 15 January, Wed 19 February, Wed 19 March
Deborah Coen 866221 & June Davies 866350
CHACIC Fundraising Quiz Night
Sat 11 January 7.00pm for 7.30pm in Village Hall
Come and have fun at our great New Year Village
Quiz on Sat 11 January in the Village Hall!
There9ll be the usual fantastic quiz, delicious food,
a well-stocked bar and a great raffle (please bring
cash). We very much need your support at this
fundraising event to keep Deanery Orchard land safely in the ownership
of the village.
For booking of tables of up to 8, or individual bookings (we9ll be making
up tables), £20 pp, please contact June on 01732 866350 or at asap. Payment can be made in advance by bank
transfer to Crockham Hill Amenities CIC, Sort Code: 40-52-40, Account no:
00026817 or at the door on the evening.