Crockham Hill October 2024 Newsletter - Flipbook - Page 16
what9s happening locally. Edenbridge Town Council publish their Council
meeting dates for the next month giving residents who may not have
access to the internet or have limited mobility advance notice of
forthcoming Committee and Full Council meetings. We could do the same.
The Crockham Hill monthly Coffee Cake & Chat event has proved to be an
invaluable forum for discussing community issues from SDC9s parking
charges, applying for dropped kerbs, excessive speeding in the village and
so much more. There is always one and often two Crockham Hill Councillors
present eager to hear what residents have to say. We could formalise them
as 8drop in surgeries9 if this would be useful.
WTC has a noticeboard nestling in the hedge by Alan & Chitra9s driveway
which for many years was kept up to date by Freda putting up Agendas for
all Council meetings. That practice has slipped of late but we are
considering moving the noticeboard to the village garden where residents
could find details of Council meetings and matters relevant to the
community eg litter picks, planning consultations, Speedwatch sessions,
the Annual Town meeting and so on.
For those less reliant on paper, WTC has a website, a Facebook page, and
an Instagram account. All Councillors have email accounts. The pandemic
has highlighted the need to expand the channels of communication used
by WTC to include the greater use of digital platforms and virtual meetings
where appropriate. How far we take this expansion depends on what
residents feed back to us.
WTC9s aim is to use a variety of communication methods based on what
reaches people most effectively, demonstrates inclusivity and has most
credibility. We are here to represent the interests of all our residents so
please send your comments to our Town Clerk Angela Howells
( or come to the next Coffee
morning and enable us to achieve the targets we have set ourselves. Cllrs
Deborah Coen, Amran Hussain and Sharon Sheen