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Social Emotional Learning
Social Emotional Learning is a process to acquire and apply the knowledge, skills,
and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve
personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and
maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.
Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning
SEL frameworks and strategies have been linked to long-term improvements on
skills, attitudes, prosocial behavior, and academic performance as well as lessen
students’ anxiety, behavior problems, and substance use. When employed in
ways that don't center whiteness, but instead a昀케rm cultural/racial identities and
customs, the 5 Core Competencies of SEL can improve student outcomes.
1. Self-Awareness
2. Self-Management
Encourage students to reflect on
their actions or how concepts apply
to their lives or their family.
Have students brainstorm ways
they can find motivation, handle
stress, or manage conflict.
Provide real feedback on tasks
performed or on classroom norms
and expectations.
Incorporate regular
self-management into your class
(e.g., deep breathing, journaling)
3. Social Awareness
Activate small groups in your classroom; express
the norms of group work and thoughtfully assign
group members.
Provide opportunities for students to share how they feel
in situations and about current events so they can learn
from one another / work through responses to inequities.
4. Relationships
Teach lessons on giving and
receiving constructive feedback.
Model conflict resolution and good
communication skills
Model acceptance of di昀昀erence and respect
5. Responsible
Discuss and model the steps of
good decision-making on a
regular basis
Support and give regular,
authentic feedback on good
decision-making when you see
it in your students.
6. Control Bias/A昀케rm
Cultural Di昀昀erences
Cultural and racial identity
influence behavior. Don't ignore
these factors; give students a
chance to reflect on and embrace
how their individual backgrounds
a昀昀ect them.
Incorporate a variety of
culturally relevant and a昀케rming
SEL activities.