PlaybookLearningDifferences 8.5x11 DIGITAL - Flipbook - Page 25
National Center for Learning Disabilities. The mission of NCLD
is to improve the lives of 1 in 5 children and adults nationwide
with learning and attention issues—by empowering parents and
“5 things to know about racial and ethnic disparities in
young adults, transforming schools and advocating for equal rights
special education.” This article explores the disparities in special
and opportunities. NCLD works to create a society in which every
education and how it affects students.
individual possesses the academic, social, and emotional skills
needed to succeed in school, at work, and in life.
“Culturally Competent Approaches to ADHD: Issues in AfricanUnderstood. Understood is a non-profit dedicated to serving the
American Populations.” This article addresses how mental
millions of families of kids who learn and think differently. With
health stigma has been found to be a significant factor in African-
programs for families, educators, and young adults that focus on
American treatment engagement, and the steps to understand
empowering people who learn and think differently and those
cultural considerations is key.
who support them, Understood offers customized, accessible
resources and a compassionate community.
“Learning ‘Learning’ Differences”: A TEDxTalk. In this talk
The Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity (YCDC). A preeminent
entitled, Solebury School alumna Meredith Agran '13 shared her
source of cutting-edge research, informed advocacy and
personal challenges in accepting her learning differences to help
trustworthy resources to help those with dyslexia reach their full
validate viewers’ own experiences with different learning styles.
potential. Through research and advocacy work, YCDC conducts
studies and builds awareness about dyslexia, mobilizes grassroots
efforts to narrow the reading achievement gap for all students,
including low-income students of color, through policies that help
“Study: Black students less likely to be identified as having
dyslexic children succeed.
disabilities.” News Report. This article from 2019 addresses the
issue of Black and Brown children in the south are less likely to
be identified as having a learning disability than white children.
10 Minute Teacher Podcast. Episode 618: “Misconceptions
About Kids With Learning Differences in the Classroom.” As
students with learning differences are put into general classroom
“What is a Learning Difference?” This resource gives a brief
spaces, many teachers have misconceptions about including
overview of what a learning difference is and gives examples of
these special students in their classrooms. Dr. Rebekah Dyer talks
learning differences.
about these misconceptions and how we can work to reach every
learning-difference ■
child. Available wherever you get your podcasts, or directly at