PlaybookLearningDifferences 8.5x11 DIGITAL - Flipbook - Page 24
experiences, LDANC seeks to accomplish this through education,
support, advocacy, collaboration, and the encouragement of
Exceptional Children’s Assistance
ongoing research.
Center (ECAC). Private, nonprofit parent
organization, committed to improving
Autism Society of North Carolina. The Autism Society of North
the lives and education of ALL children
Carolina seeks to improve the lives of individuals with autism,
through a special emphasis on children
supports their families, and educates communities.
with disabilities and special healthcare
needs. ECAC seeks to make that right
a reality by providing information,
education, outreach, and support to and
for families with children across the state
Autism in Black aims to provide support to black parents who
of North Carolina.
have a child on the spectrum, through educational and advocacy
services. Autism in Black is dedicated to bringing awareness to
Autism Spectrum Disorder and reducing the stigma associated
Family Support Program, UNC School
with ASD in the black community.
of Social Work. The mission of the
Family Support Program is to promote
BlackSEL is the social-emotional learning HUB, for black people.
and provide support for families with
The HUB aims to highlight the voices of Black SEL practitioners
children who have special needs.
and expand SEL from the classroom to the community, sharing
Promotes inclusion, accessibility,
resources to further the field and sustain social-emotional learning
diversity, family leadership, self-
practices in Black communities.
A P l ay b oo k o n L ear ni n g Di fferen c es
determination, and the use of People
First Language. The Family Support
Children and Adults with ADHD (CHADD). Composed of
Network™ of North Carolina is comprised
dedicated volunteers from around the country who play an integral
of the FSN University Office* and 11
part in the association’s success by providing support, education
affiliated regional programs providing
and encouragement to parents, educators and professionals on a
information and referral, parent-to-parent
grassroots level through CHADD chapters.
support, sibling workshops, support
groups, and workshops and training for
National Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health
families and service providers statewide.
(NFFCMH). The National Federation is a national family-run
organization that serves to provide advocacy at the national level
for the rights of children and youth with emotional, behavioral
The Learning Disabilities Association
and mental health needs and substance use challenges and
of North Carolina (LDANC). An
their families. The Federation provides leadership and technical
organization that promotes awareness
assistance to a nation-wide network of family-run organizations
of the multifaceted nature of learning
as well as collaborates with family-run and other child-serving
disabilities. Supporting equitable
organizations to transform mental and substance use health care
opportunities for people with learning
in America.
disabilities to participate in life’s