PlaybookLearningDifferences 8.5x11 DIGITAL - Flipbook - Page 22
selected organizations engaged for an 18-month learning network
to advance their work to reduce race and income disparities in
educational outcomes among students with learning differences
n 2020, as part of the LENS-NC
and create learning environments where marginalized students
project of 9 organizations across
with learning differences will thrive.
North Carolina, the Center for Racial
Today, 20 organizations meet regularly to learn, address
Equity in Education (CREED) embarked
common challenges, and explore opportunities to amplify effective
upon a year of learning and listening
strategies for change at classroom, school, community, district, and
to educators, parents, students and
state levels. Each produces a project that aims to accomplish one
advocates about how to improve the
or more of the following goals:
educational outcomes of students of
color with learning differences in North
Build knowledge and understanding of ways to combat
structural racism within the education system, with a focus
The goal was to create a playbook
on the identification and support systems for students with
for educators that would touch on policy,
learning differences
protocol and practice – surveying the
classroom, school and policy levels – to
serve as a classroom guide.
Provide supports to marginalized students with learning
differences and their families that increase confidence,
Our book of plays also comes with
self-esteem, and agency
an accompanying digital component that
can tell you more about the plays for
transforming our classroom approach.
Build educator understanding of equitable practices and
learning environments that address bias and promote
cultural responsiveness in the classroom
Influence systems to embrace and adopt policies and
A P l ay b oo k o n L ear ni n g Di fferen c es
practices necessary for schools to reduce race and income
“Learning for Equity: A Network for
disparities in educational outcomes among students with
Solutions” (LENS-NC) is a partnership
learning differences
between the Oak Foundation and MDC
alongside North Carolina organizations
Elevate the voices and strengthen the skills of students and
working at the intersection of equity
families affected by structural racism to advocate for changes
and learning differences. The original
to practice, policy, and systems that improve opportunities for
marginalized students with learning differences