PlaybookLearningDifferences 8.5x11 DIGITAL - Flipbook - Page 13
4 Tips to Becoming a Culturally
Responsive Educator
Interrogate Race and Privilege
Seek out and share knowledge around di昀昀erent
academic and disciplinary processes and outcomes
related to students’ race, ethnicity, and linguistic
di昀昀erence. Implement changes in your classroom and
advocate for change on a school-wide level, too.
Develop Meaningful Connections
with Students and Their Families
Engaging with students and their families bridges the
gap between school and home and can open your
eyes to how students bring their culture and identities
into the classroom.
Incorporate Diverse Curriculum
and Learning Materials
Teaching with materials that encompass diverse cultural
values and situations creates a more inclusive environment
for students from diverse cultural backgrounds.
Students Can Teach You, Too
We don’t know everything—especially when it comes
to our cultural blind spots or implicit biases. Listen and
learn from students from diverse cultural backgrounds.