22-23 End of year impact report FINAL - Flipbook - Page 9
The NC10
There were once nearly 400 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) across the country, now
only about 100 remain. North Carolina is home to 10 accredited institutions, a signi昀椀cant share of the nation’s
total. At CREED, we refer to them collectively as The NC10.
The NC10 is a nationally recognized collaborative community that advances the prominence of North Carolina’s HBCUs, advocates for
higher education policy change, and stimulates strategic investments to support equity and excellence in these distinct institutions.
In November 2022, CREED hosted the inaugural NC10 HBCU Conference at St. Augustine's University in Raleigh. The
"Partners in Progress" conference brought together educational organizations as well as leadership and students from all
10 institutions. Attendees heard strategies aligned with The NC 10 goals, including support for serving students, growing
leadership, and impacting policy.
In April 2023, CREED joined representatives from the NC10 to meet with members of the bipartisan Legislative HBCU Caucus to
discuss ways state lawmakers can support these institutions in the amazing work they do for students. The big takeaway was the
need for greater investments in facility construction and renovation, and partnerships to enhance student success.